Either Greenview Administration or members of the public (including landowners) may apply to amend the regulations and/or the land use district (zone) of a parcel of land within the Land Use Bylaw.

What is a Land Use Bylaw Amendment?
There are two types of Land Use Bylaw Amendments to Greenview’s Land Use Bylaw No. 18-800: text amendments and map amendments (or rezoning). A text amendment proposes to modify an existing regulation or change or add a new definition, while a rezoning proposes to change the land use district (zone) of a parcel of land. Oftentimes, a rezoning is required to allow for a subdivision to move ahead. For example, a rezoning from Agricultural-One (A-1) to Country Residential One (CR-1) is required if there is more than one parcel within a quarter section before another parcel of land can be subdivided.

 What are the steps in the Land Use Bylaw Amendment process?
Once the Land Use Bylaw Amendment Application has been received, the following process is required to meet legislative guidelines:

  • Greenview recommends meeting with Planning & Development staff to discuss the applicant’s proposal before submitting an application.
  • Once Planning & Development staff have received all required information, staff will deem the application complete and assign a bylaw number.
  • The application may be circulated internally to relevant departments within Greenview or externally to agencies or stakeholders who may be affected.
  • Administration presents the bylaw at a Regular Council Meeting for review and consideration, Council gives first reading to the Bylaw, or table if additional requirements have not been met.
  • If the first reading is given, a Public Hearing date is scheduled.
  • Notice of Public Hearing is advertised online via Greenview’s website and on social media for a minimum of two consecutive weeks. Any adjacent landowners or relevant agencies/stakeholders are notified, and
  • Administration presents the bylaw at a public hearing and Council may give second and third readings, table, or defeat the bylaw.

How long is the Land Use Bylaw Amendment process?
Timelines will vary based on a number of factors, including the complexity of the application, the need for more study, unforeseen issues or negative public feedback. An application to rezone a property that conforms to an adopted plan may only take 2 to 3 months to complete. Any application that proposes something other than what an adopted plan identifies, or if there is no guiding Area Structure Plan, will typically take longer to process and can take anywhere from 5 to 12 months.

How much does a Land Use Bylaw Amendment cost?
Land Use Bylaw amendment fees are charged as per Greenview’s current Schedule of Fees Bylaw.

What happens if a Land Use Bylaw Amendment is defeated by Council?
If Council defeats the bylaw at any point in the process, the application is thereby refused. An applicant may not submit the same or similar application for six (6) months following a refusal of Council.