Welcome to the Grande Cache Recreation Centre
The Grande Cache Recreation Centre is home to a first-class aquatic centre, hockey arena, curling rink, fitness centre, climbing cave, meeting and party rooms, and a variety of great sport, fitness and community programs for all ages.
This wonderful facility sits on the site of Central Park, which features a Spray Park, picnic tables, paved walking paves paths and an outdoor green gym.
Facility Hours effective noon, June 21, 2021:
Monday – Friday: 6:00 am – 10:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Stat hours: As posted
Please visit Fitness Centre and Aquatic Centre Schedules

Grande Cache Recreation Centre at a Glance

- Spray Park (Open June – September 11:00 am – 8:00 pm daily)
- Changeroom/washroom facility
- Paved Basketball Court
- Green Gym with a full range of fitness equipment
- Paved walking trails
- Amphitheatre

- An indoor climbing cave fun for the whole family!
- Please contact the Recreation Centre at 780.827.2446 for the available drop-in times and rentals.
- Call about special programs & birthday parties!

- All members and non-members are required to wear wristbands while using the Grande Cache Recreation Centre unless attending a program for which they have registered (participants’ names will appear on instructor attendance lists).
- Access to our facility is permitted up until 20 minutes before the facility closes.
- Families, persons with disabilities, persons with mobility issues and caregivers are welcome to use our family change room facilities.
- No food, beverages (except water in non-glass water bottles), bags or coats are permitted in activity areas.
- Coin-operated lockers are available for use in our change rooms at a cost of $0.25 per locker.
- Parents/legal guardians are responsible for the behaviour and conduct of their minor children.
- Personal conduct within the facility must be in the spirit of community and good sportsmanship.
- Family-friendly language, behaviour and attire are expected and required.
- Personal training, group training and instruction that is not delivered by Recreation Services or approved by the Manager of Recreation Services is strictly prohibited.
- Proper, clean, non-marking athletic shoes and attire are required in activity areas.
- Smoking and chewing tobacco are not permitted anywhere within the GCRC.
- We have zero-tolerance for abuse or harassment of our staff and volunteers.
- Grande Cache, its employees and representatives cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen articles. We strongly advise that no valuables be brought into our facility or onto our property.
Ph: 780.827.2446 | Fax:780.827.3850
Grande Cache Recreation Centre
10450 Hoppe Avenue, Grande Cache, AB