Media Releases

Media Releases2020-09-16T15:33:55-06:00

MEDIA RELEASE: Greenview signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Interprovincial Fuel Solutions Ltd.

January 30th, 2024|Public Notices, Media Releases, Uncategorized, News & Announcements|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 30, 2024 The Municipal District of Greenview signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Interprovincial Fuel Solutions Ltd. to further expand development in the Greenview Industrial Gateway  Valleyview, Alberta MD of Greenview Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Interprovincial Fuel Solutions Ltd. (IFS) to purchase approximately 200 acres (81 hectares) in the Greenview Industrial Gateway (GIG) at the January 23, 2024, Regular Council meeting. IFS intends to develop and construct a $600 million dollar [...]

MEDIA RELEASE: Greenview Fire-Rescue Services Receives Donation from Keyera Corp. for Wildland Personal Protection Equipment

January 25th, 2024|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Media Releases|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 25, 2024 Greenview Fire-Rescue Services Receives Donation from Keyera Corp. for Wildland Personal Protection Equipment Valleyview, Alberta —Greenview Fire-Rescue Services (GFRS) received a $15,000.00 donation from Keyera Corp. to assist with the purchase of wildland personnel protection equipment. Through Keyera’s social investment program, Keyera Connects, they partner with organizations and support causes that build resiliency in the communities that they are a part of. To recognize Greenview Fire-Rescue Services for their dedication and commitment during [...]

MEDIA RELEASE: Brush Pile Burning in Greenview

November 17th, 2023|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Media Releases|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 17, 2023 Safe practices urged for brush pile burning in Greenview Valleyview, Alberta In Northern Alberta, the practice of brush pile burning typically commences in the fall, providing farmers with a means to dispose of agricultural debris safely. However, recent incidents in DeBolt have raised significant concerns for residents. A recent brush pile burning led to severe smoke settling in the hamlet and surrounding areas, substantially deteriorating air quality for several days. Additionally, another incident [...]

MEDIA RELEASE: Councillor Resignation

November 14th, 2023|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Media Releases|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 14, 2023 Councillor Resignation Valleyview, Alberta The Municipal District of Greenview has been made aware of the resignation of Councillor Duane Didow. We understand the potential impact on Grande Cache ratepayers, and their representation remains a high priority for Greenview. Reeve Tyler Olsen and Council will continue to serve the residents of Grande Cache, as we determine the best options to move forward. Greenview continues to stand firm in its commitment to a high level [...]

MEDIA RELEASE: Municipal District of Greenview and County of Grande Prairie, Alberta BDO Zone Issued ‘A’ Rating For Woody Biomass

November 2nd, 2023|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Media Releases|

PRESS RELEASE: MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF GREENVIEW AND COUNTY OF GRANDE PRAIRIE, ALBERTA BDO ZONE ISSUED ‘A’ RATING FOR WOODY BIOMASS – ‘A’ Rating can help unlock Alberta’s forestry bioeconomy – November 2, 2023 The Municipal District (MD) of Greenview, the County of Grande Prairie, and Ecostrat are pleased to announce the issue of a new Bioeconomy Development Opportunity (BDO) Zone rating for woody biomass. The prestigious ‘A’ rating denotes ‘high quality’ feedstock supply chains and infrastructure, based on robust [...]

MEDIA RELEASE: MD of Greenview Re-Elects Reeve and Appoints Deputy Reeve

October 26th, 2023|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Media Releases|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 26, 2023 MD of Greenview Re-Elects Reeve and Appoints Deputy Reeve Valleyview, Alberta The Municipal District of Greenview Council is pleased to announce the re-election of Ward 9 Councillor Tyler Olsen as the Reeve and appointed Ward 8 Councillor Bill Smith as Deputy Reeve for the municipality at the annual organizational meeting on Tuesday, October 24, 2023. Reeve Tyler Olsen has a rich industrial and commercial trucking background. A steadfast resident of Grande Cache, AB, [...]

MEDIA RELEASE: Municipal District of Greenview and Alberta Transportation collaborate on key road exchange in Grovedale area

October 12th, 2023|Media Releases, Uncategorized, News & Announcements|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 12, 2023 Municipal District of Greenview and Alberta Transportation collaborate on key road exchange in Grovedale area Valleyview, Alberta — The Municipal District of Greenview has entered into a tentative agreement with the Province of Alberta for the purpose of exchanging provincial Highway 666 and Township Road 700 in the Grovedale, Alberta area, with additional concessions. Details of the agreement will be forthcoming. This joint initiative aims to finalize the exchange by the end of [...]

MEDIA RELEASE: 6th Annual Greenview Charity Clay Shoot a resounding success

September 12th, 2023|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Media Releases|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 12, 2023 6th Annual Greenview Charity Clay Shoot a resounding success Valleyview, Alberta The 2023 Greenview Charity Clay Shoot, hosted by the Municipal District of Greenview Council, took place on Thursday, September 7, 2023, at Valleyview's Shot Shell Sporting Clay Range and was a huge success. This year saw 113 participants and the generous backing of 36 corporate partners. We are excited to announce that the event raised a remarkable $63,730.44, with all funds directly [...]

MEDIA RELEASE: Municipal District of Greenview launches survey to establish business priorities

August 15th, 2023|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Media Releases, Economic Development|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 15, 2023 Municipal District of Greenview launches survey to establish business priorities Valleyview, Alberta — The Municipal District of Greenview (Greenview) has officially launched a new Business Retention and Expansion survey for the region. By inviting businesses from Greenview along with the Towns of Fox Creek and Valleyview to participate in this survey, information will be collected and used to plan future economic development initiatives focused on the top priorities of local businesses within Greenview [...]

MEDIA RELEASE: Non-Residential Tax Rate Returns to 2016 Level

May 3rd, 2023|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Media Releases|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Non-Residential Tax Rate Returns to 2016 Level Valleyview, Alberta: Council approved Greenview’s 2023 property tax rates at their meeting on April 25, 2023, including a small increase to the non-residential rate. The approved non-residential tax rate of 7.335 mills is a 0.65 mills increase over 2022, removing a reduction in taxation put in place to assist industry during tough economic times. There will be no increase in residential tax rates. Greenview Reeve [...]

MEDIA RELEASE: Fatal House Fire in Grovedale

November 15th, 2022|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Media Releases|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 15, 2022 Fatal House Fire in Grovedale Valleyview, Alberta On November 15, 2022, at approximately 2:20 AM, Greenview Fire-Rescue Services STN #32 - Grovedale responded to a house fire with a report of an occupant inside. Fire crews made entry, removing the individual from the house as well as extinguishing the fire with the assistance from County of Grande Prairie firefighters. Efforts to revive the victim failed despite valiant efforts by the attending fire crews [...]

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