Council Highlights

Council Highlights2023-03-22T16:29:52-06:00

Council Highlights – March 8, 2022

March 15th, 2022|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Public Notices, Council Highlights, Council Meeting|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 15, 2022 Council Highlights – March 8, 2022 Valleyview, Alberta Greenview Agricultural Services Adds Equipment to Rental Fleet Agricultural Services had added a Fertilizer spreader as an approved capital purchase for the 2022 rental season. This purchase was one of three pieces of equipment slated for replacement in the AG Services rental fleet for 2022. Council approved the purchase of a Salford Fertilizer Spreader from Flaman, Edmonton, Alberta, in the amount of $40,900, with $5,900.00 additional [...]

Council Highlights – February 22, 2022

February 28th, 2022|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Public Notices, Council Highlights, Council Meeting|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 28, 2022 Council Highlights – February 22, 2022 Valleyview, Alberta Greenview Passes Grande Cache Recreation Board Bylaw At the October 26, 2021, Council Meeting, Councillor Didow made a Notice of Motion directing Administration to investigate a Recreation board in Grande Cache. Administration presented a draft bylaw to Council at the February 8, 2022 Council meeting and incorporated their requested minor changes, which were included in the final version for Council approval. Council moved to adopt Bylaw [...]

Council Highlights – February 8, 2022

February 10th, 2022|Public Notices, Council Highlights, Council Meeting, Uncategorized, News & Announcements|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Council Highlights – February 8, 2022 Valleyview, Alberta Greenview Looking at a Staged Approach to Address Creek Stabilization in DeBolt In 2021 Administration was looking to obtain a detailed study on creek bank stabilization in the Hamlet of DeBolt. MPE Engineering Ltd was engaged to prepare the slope stability/stabilization study and provided the completed report on November 30, 2021. The report noted that the creek sloughing within the Hamlet of DeBolt is directly affecting approximately 22 properties [...]

Council Highlights – January 25, 2022

January 27th, 2022|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Public Notices, Council Highlights, Council Meeting, Homepage News|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Council Highlights – January 25, 2022 Valleyview, Alberta Greenview to Enter into Agreement with West Yellowhead Regional Waste Management Authority In 2019 it was determined that the Grande Cache Landfill was nearing its capacity, and due to land restraints, Administration has been exploring the conversion of the landfill into a transfer station, but in doing so, Greenview would be required to truck waste to a nearby landfill. Multiple alternatives have been looked at, and this option has [...]

Council Highlights – January 11, 2022

January 14th, 2022|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Public Notices, Council Highlights, Council Meeting, Homepage News|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Council Highlights – January 11, 2022 Valleyview, Alberta Wastewater Screening Equipment Contract for Grande Cache Awarded As part of the larger project to upgrade the Grande Cache Wastewater Treatment Facility in 2022, Council has granted Zima Corporation the equipment supply contract for wastewater screening equipment in the amount of $404 622.00 excluding GST with funds to come from the approved Capital budget. Grant Awarded to Grande Cache Community Events Foundation The Grande Cache Community Events Foundation is [...]

Council Highlights – December 14, 2021

December 17th, 2021|Council Meeting, Homepage News, Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Public Notices, Council Highlights|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Council Highlights – December 14, 2021 Valleyview, Alberta Greenview Councillors Appointed to MD of Smoky River ICF Committee The Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework between the Municipal District of Greenview No 16 and the Municipal District of Smoky River No 130 was signed in November 2019 and followed with an accompanying bylaw. The Rural Intermunicipal Development Plan Committee was established under the Intermunicipal Development Plan as the forum for reviewing the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework. Council appointed Councillor Dale Smith [...]

Council Highlights – November 9, 2021

November 16th, 2021|News & Announcements, Public Notices, Council Highlights, Homepage News, Uncategorized|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Council Highlights - November 9, 2021 Valleyview, Alberta Greenview Strategy for Grande Cache Medical Services Underway Greenview is aware of the current concerns with the posted closure of the Grande Cache Medical Clinic. Council and Administration have been working towards identifying potential solutions, and Council has directed Administration to complete the following items by motion to investigate and strategize solutions for medical services for residents of Grande Cache. Contact the Government of Alberta to present a strategy [...]

Council Highlights – October 26, 2021

November 1st, 2021|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Public Notices, Council Highlights, Homepage News|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Council Highlights - October 26, 2021 Valleyview, Alberta World Junior Cup Trophy Coming to Grande Cache The Grande Cache Minor Hockey Association historically applied through Hockey Alberta to host the World Junior Cup trophy to be displayed in the Hamlet of Grande Cache for the past 4+ years. This year, the request has been approved. The Grande Cache Minor Hockey Association will display the World Junior Cup trophy at a walk-through hockey expo at the Grande Cache [...]

Council Highlights – Oct 12, 2021

October 15th, 2021|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Public Notices, Council Highlights|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Council Highlights - October 12, 2021 Valleyview, Alberta Greenview Adds Two Community Education Committees Fox Creek and Valleyview have Community Education Committees (CECs) that meet monthly. These committees advise Northern Lakes College (NLC) on the region’s training and educational needs and ensure residents have access to quality local educational opportunities. Council has declared that Fox Creek and Valleyview CECs will be added to the list of committees that require council appointment in the future. These appointments will [...]

Council Highlights – September 28, 2021

October 5th, 2021|Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Public Notices, Council Highlights|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Council Highlights - September 28, 2021 Valleyview, Alberta Altagas and ATCO Franchise Fees Reviewed for Grande Cache Sec. 45 of the Municipal Government Act allows municipalities to enter into agreements with utility providers to provide a service to all or a part of the municipality. Annually, the MD has the option to review and make a change to the amount of the franchise fee. In 2021 the franchise fees for both Altagas and ATCO were changed to [...]

Council Highlights – September 14, 2021

September 20th, 2021|Homepage News, Uncategorized, News & Announcements, Public Notices, Council Highlights|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Council Highlights - September 14, 2021   Greenview Approves Gravel Crushing Proposal The River Top Sand & Gravel Pit (SML990008) is located at NW-10-15-74-02-W5 northwest of DeBolt is at the north end of the Goodwin Road and is often referred to as the Airth Pit. AMI Rockchain/TerraShift Engineering is an approved Canoe Procurement/RMA vendor and service provider. Administration requested a proposal for engineering services and gravel crushing combined for 50,000 tonnes of crushed modified 4:25 (1 inch) [...]

Council Highlights – August 24, 2021

August 26th, 2021|Public Notices, Council Highlights, Homepage News, Uncategorized, News & Announcements|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Council Highlights - August 24, 2021   Special Boundary Designation Correspondence for Greenview Industrial Gateway to Honorable Minster Nixon The designation of the lands requested for the Greenview Industrial Gateway project as indicated in the Memorandum of Understanding with Alberta Environment and Parks has progressed significantly. With the process and conclusion of First Nation consultations recently completed, a transfer of land arrangement with the Province of Alberta can now move forward. Greenview BMO Farm Family for 2021 [...]

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