Dust Control

The Dust Control Program offers Municipal District of Greenview No. 16 residents and property owners the opportunity to apply for dust control on rural roads in front of residences. Dust control involves the application of a dust control agent to gravel roads to minimize dust. The dust suppressant agent used within the M.D. is Calcium Chloride.

The costs for the program are shared between the Municipality and the applicant. Fees vary according to the length of the treatment area.

Scheduling of the work is subject to regular dust control priorities in combination with other requests in order to achieve cost-effectiveness.

Residential Dust Control Application Form

Industrial Dust Control Application Form

Dust Control Distance Cost
Application of Calcium Product for Residents and Landowners (Due April 15 Each Year or the following business day if April 15 falls on a weekend or holiday) per 200 m $375.00
Late Dust Control Application Fee (Applications submitted or mailed after April 15 or the following business day if April 15 falls on a weekend or holiday) per 200 m $500.00
Application of Calcium Product for Multi-Parcel Subdivisionsper per 100 m $200.00
Application of Calcium Product for Industrial and Road Use Agreement Holders (up to April 15th Each Year). If in front of a residence, the industrial user will be charged the residential rate for a maximum distance of 200 meters per 200 m $1310.00
Plus: for sections over 200 meters per linear meter $6.55