Super Senior Wall of Fame

The Team at the Greenview Regional Multiplex is very excited to announce the Super Seniors that have officially made the “Super Senior Wall of Fame”!

We are proud of our Super Seniors working hard to maintain their health & fitness goals and thank them for including the GRM in their goals.

We invite all Super Seniors to join the Club! Inquire at our Customer Service Desk for details.

Please see our current members listed here:

Alex Simpkins
Arne Johnson
Colleen Simpkins
Donna Chorney
Elisabeth Gordon
Grant Berg
Helen Wright
Jack Chatwin
Larry Trottier
Linda Cole
Linda Unrau
Lynne Reichert
Margaret Gwartney
Merle Johnson
Randy Glazier
Tom Gwartney
Stephen Werklund
Charlene Soldan
Sylvia Behrens