Canadian Navigable Waters Act

Pembina Gas Infrastructure Processing ULC (PGI) hereby gives notice that submissions have been added to the Common Project Search (online registry) pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act described herein and its description.

Pursuant to paragraph 4.1 and 9.1 of the said Act, PGI has deposited two notifications of no interference with navigation in accordance with the requirements set out on the External Submission Site, on the online Common Project Search Registry ( and under registry numbers 12106 and 12107, a description of the following work:

  • Installation of an NPS 10 gas pipeline and an NPS 6 liquids line using trenchless horizontal directional drill (HDD)

Work will occur under an unnamed tributary to Lignite Creek in NE 36-68-4 W6M at:

  • 933708, -118.462974 (#12107)

and under Lignite Creek in SE 6-69-3 W6M at:

  • 938256, -118.442579 (#12106)

Posted at Grande Prairie Public Notices and Hearings, Alberta this 13th day of December 2024.

PGI Processing ULC
4000, 585 8th Avenue SW
Calgary AB T2P 1G1

A full copy of this notice can be downloaded here