October 31, 2022

Council Highlights – October 25, 2022

Valleyview, Alberta

Reeve Tyler Olsen and Deputy Reeve Bill Smith Re-Elected and Appointed for the Second Year
Greenview Council is pleased to announce the appointments of Ward 9 Councillor Tyler Olsen as the Reeve and Ward 8 Councillor Bill Smith as Deputy Reeve for the municipality at the annual organizational meeting on Tuesday, October 25, 2022. Tyler Olsen and Bill Smith will be serving their second terms as Reeve and Deputy Reeve respectively.

Greenview 5th Annual Clay Shoot Raises $46,802.11 for Charity
Greenview hosted the 5th Annual Greenview Clay Shoot at Shot Shell Shooting Range south of Valleyview on Thursday, September 8, 2022, with 102 registered shooters and raising $46,802.11 for charity. The annual event is held to improve stakeholder relations and raise funds for the five Foodbanks that serve Greenview (Fox Creek Food Bank Society, Valleyview Interfaith Food Bank, DeBolt Food Bank, Salvation Army (Grovedale), and Grande Cache Food Bank). Council moved to accept the event report for information as presented and further moved to authorize Administration to hold the Clay Shoot event on September 7, 2023.

DeBolt and District Agricultural Society Harvester’s Ball Gets Greenview Support
Greenview Council approved a sponsorship request from the DeBolt & District Agricultural Society in the amount of $2,000.00 for the Harvesters Ball on November 5, 2022, at the DeBolt Centre, in addition to a $500 gift in-kind, with funds to come from the Community Services Grants and Sponsorships Budget. The Harvesters Ball is an annual fundraising event that includes a dinner, silent auction, dance and draws throughout the evening and funds raised go towards supporting various community projects.

Greenview Supports the Peace Area Riding for the Disabled Society 24th Annual Dine and Dance
PARDS is a non-profit organization located in the County of Grande Prairie that has been providing therapeutic and inclusive equine and animal-assisted programs to people living with physical, cognitive, social, and behavioural challenges in the Peace Region since 1984. Council approved a sponsorship to the Peace Area Riding for the Disabled Society (PARDS) in the amount of $1,000.00 for PARDS 24th Annual Dine & Dance fundraiser on November 5, 2022, with funds to come from the Community Services Grants and Sponsorships Budget.

Nose Creek Water Point System Construction Approved
Administration provided Council with an update on the potable water point in the Subdivision of Nose Creek within Greenview. Council directed Administration to proceed with the construction of a Small Reservoir Water Point System in the subdivision of Nose Creek and approved funding of $240,000 for construction, with funds to come from the 2023 Capital Budget.

Greenview to Formally Acknowledge the Relationship between the MD of Greenview and the Western Cree Tribal Council
Reeve Tyler Olsen, Kyle Reiling, and CAO Stacey Wabick met with representatives from the Western Cree Tribal Council (consisting of Horse Lake First Nation, Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation, and Duncan’s First Nation) on October 19, 2022, at the Delta Hotel in Grande Prairie, Alberta. At the meeting, discussions were held regarding the strengthening of relationships with the development of the Greenview Industrial Gateway. Council directed Administration to develop a formal acknowledgement documenting the relationship between Greenview and the Western Cree Tribal Council.

Upcoming Events and Meetings

  • November 11, 2022 – Remembrance Day, All Administration offices closed
  • November 15, 2022 – Committee of the Whole, DeBolt Public Service Building
  • November 22, 2022 – Regular Council Meeting, Valleyview Council Chambers
  • November 23, 2022 – Agricultural Services Board Meeting, Valleyview Council Chambers

Media inquiries may be directed to:
Stacey Sevilla | Manager, Communications & Marketing | Direct: 780-524-7625

To download a copy of the Council Highlights, please click here: Council Highlights – October 25, 2022