Council Highlights – July 13, 2020

Public Hearings Held for Partial Road Allowance Closure Requests

Bylaw 20-480

Greenview received a road closure request from Darel Gene Klassen (Klassen) and Paulie Sarah Kern (Kern) on March 20, 2019, to close a portion of Road Plan 0421800, an area consisting of 0.719 hectare ± (1.78 acres). The land proposed to be consolidated lies just south of their agricultural quarter SE-09-72-01-W6. No opposition was heard and Council approved the request.

Bylaw 20-839

Greenview received a road closure request from Sturgeon Heights Community Club on August 1, 2019, to close 0.227 hectare (0.56 acre) ± of the undeveloped road allowance adjacent to the south boundary of the cemetery. No opposition was heard and Council moved to approve the revised request.

Tri-Municipal Industrial Partnership Advancement Work to Commence in Fall of 2020

With Greenview’s prior motion to reduce operational costs, including those identified for TMIP development and to re-evaluate management of the project’s future growth, Administration recommended that a contracted Project Manager, reporting to the CAO of Greenview, be hired to continue with the advancement of the project. Currently, the time commitment required to advance this project is equal to a full-time position.  Council directed Administration to proceed with contracting a regionally located project manager for the TMIP to advance projects and steps that must be completed.

Heart River Housing Capital Requisition

Heart River Housing has completed three Housing Needs Assessments in the past two years, for the Fox Creek and High Prairie region, both completed in 2019 and the Smoky River region was completed in June 2020. The board built a Strategic Plan based on the results from the housing needs assessments. The information gathered indicated that a consistent increase in the need for seniors housing across the region was needed. The 2021 – 2023 Business plan will be provided to Greenview soon.

A letter was submitted from the Greenview Chief Administration Officer to the Heart River Housing Chief Administrative Housing Officer requesting the lump sum to be separated into two components, one being operational requisition as allowed in the Alberta Housing Act, and the other being the capital reserve request. In the letter, it stated that Greenview enclosed a cheque in the amount of $644,755.00 (the amount of the 2019 operating requisition) as partial payment of the 2020 operating requisition. Council moved to award the $521,460.00 Capital request to Heart River Housing with funds to come from the Contingency Reserve if required.

Greenview Appoints Member to AB #1/Terrapin Board of Directors

Council approved the appointment of Councillor Dale Gervais to the AB #1/Terrapin Board of Directors for the exploration and development of a Geothermal project within the borders of Greenview. Councillor Gervais’ appointment will be in effect until the Municipal election of 2021.

Inter-Municipal Weed and Pest Appeal Committee Members Appointed

At the April 14, 2020 Council meeting an RFD was presented and carried, authorizing Administration to proceed with the application for Greenview to become a member of the Inter-Municipal Weed and Pest Appeal Board. This Board/Committee is comprised of Big Lakes County, County of Northern Lights and Northern Sunrise County. Council voted to appoint the following Agriculture Service Board (ASB) members: Richard Brochu, Stephen Lewis, Mark Pellerin, Larry Smith, and Warren Wohlgemuth as members of the Inter-Municipal Weed and Pest Appeal Committee.

Upcoming Events and Meetings

  • July 20, 2020 – Committee of the Whole – Grande Cache
  • July 27, 2020 – Council Meeting
  • July 29, 2020 – Agricultural Services Board

Media inquiries may be directed to:
Stacey Sevilla, Manager, Communications and Marketing  or 780-524-7625