May 3, 2023
Council Highlights – April 25, 2023
Valleyview, Alberta
Greenview to provide a letter of support for Replenish Nutrients
Replenish Nutrients, which has been producing “Made in the Peace” regenerative fertilizer for the Northern Alberta agricultural market in the Municipal District of Greenview since 2019, is expanding their facility to support local producers. Council directed Administration to provide a letter of support to Replenish Nutrients for their proposed expansion and application to the Emission Reduction Alberta Industrial Transformation Challenge.
Wanham Plowing Match Sponsorship Approved
Council approved a sponsorship of $2,000.00 from the Community Services Grants and Sponsorships budget to support the Community of Cooperating Organizations (COCO) Wanham Plowing Match Agricultural Society, for the 50th Wanham Plowing Match, on June 23-25, 2023, in Wanham, Alberta. The Wanham Plowing Match was started in 1971 to bring people into the small town of Wanham to raise awareness of the community. This event includes old-fashioned horse plowing, modified truck and tractor pull, and additional events such as barrel racing, horse jumping, and pole bending.
Tax Rate Bylaw Approved by Greenview
Council approved Greenview’s 2023 property tax rates at their meeting on April 25, 2023, with the goal of balancing services in our communities with fiscal responsibility and good governance. In 2016, Council reduced the Non-Residential mill rate by 0.65 mills to assist the oil and gas industry during economic difficulty. With industry now returning to profitability, this tax reduction is being removed. The approved non-residential tax rate of 7.335 mills is a 0.65 mills increase over 2022, and there will be no increase in residential tax rates.
Both Residential and Non-Residential tax rates were further reduced in 2020 by 1.143 mills to provide relief to all ratepayers in response to the pandemic, and this reduction was able to be maintained through budgetary controls resulting in a reduction of the operating budget by approximately $8.3 Million with minimal service reductions.
Grande Cache Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades – General Construction Tender Awarded
The Hamlet of Grande Cache Wastewater Treatment facility is a critical piece of infrastructure which plays a major part in protecting public health and the environment. Over the last 39 years, there have been little to no upgrades to the facility, and this asset has nearly come to the end of its functional design life.
On behalf of Greenview, M2 Engineering issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in September 2022 for the Mechanical and Electrical Subcontractors as well as the General Contractor through a two-envelope bid submission process. A list of the recommended subcontractors would then be provided to the General Contractors during the bid process. Five General Contractors submitted a statement of qualifications to be evaluated, which resulted in the recommendation of three Contractors. On December 22, 2022, M2 Engineering sent a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the three recommended General Contractors, which closed on February 23, 2023.
M2 Engineering received and evaluated three tenders meeting mandatory requirements, which ranged from $43,577,000 to $ 47,935,360.
Council approved additional funding of $13,546,488.00 plus GST, to capital project WW19002, bringing the total project to $49,136,488.00. Council awarded the Grande Cache Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades – General Construction contract to Alpha Construction Inc., in the amount of $43,577,000.00 plus GST. Greenview expects to receive $9,032,260.00 in grant funding for this project, leaving $40,104,228.00 to be debentured upon Council approval.
Grande Cache Sand and Salt Shed Tender Awarded
Council approved the new Grande Cache Sand and Salt Structure during the 2023 Capital budget deliberations. A tender was advertised on the Alberta Purchasing Connection to provide requests for proposal (RFP) for a pole shed lined with metal cladding, complete with overhead doors, electrical and ventilation. Administration received and evaluated two tenders meeting mandatory requirements ranging from $832,649.00 to $844,615.58. Council awarded the new Grande Cache Sand and Salt Storage Structure to TDN Jenkins for $844,615.58, with funds to come from Capital Budget FM22008.
Tender Awarded for Grovedale Lagoon Decommissioning
The Grovedale Lagoon is located on Township Road 700, north on Range Road 63. The decommissioning of the lagoon results from growth within the Hamlet of Grovedale and reached design capacity. Administration and the consultant held an onsite briefing on March 15, 2023, with contractors that were interested in the project. Approximately five companies attended and had questions that could be documented and provided in an addendum via Bids & Tenders and Alberta Purchasing Connection. The RFP closed on March 27, 2023. Administration received and evaluated four tenders meeting mandatory requirements ranging from $1,371,130.00 to $1,954,891.00.
Council moved to award the Grovedale Lagoon Decommissioning (WW17002) to Wild West Dirt Works Ltd., for $1,371,130.00 plus GST, with funds to come from the Approved 2023 Capital Budget.
Engineering Contract for Township Road 704 Awarded
Greenview entered into an aggregate supply agreement for ten years with River Top Sand & Gravel in 2013 obligating payment for 50,000 tonnes (30,000 m3) of crushed aggregate per year, with costs of crushing to be Greenview’s responsibility. The River Top Sand & Gravel Pit (SML990008) is located at NW-10-15-74-W5 northwest of DeBolt at the north end of Goodwin Road, also called the Airth Pit.
One tender submission was received from D. Ray Construction Ltd. for $17.17/m3 ($9.59/tonne) ($480,920.00), including mobilization. The tender received was slightly over Operations’ estimated budget at 3.4% ($15,920.00). Administration reported that this amount would be absorbed within the approved budget considering Council’s Motion 23.01.16 to suspend the 2023 road re-gravelling program where deemed appropriate, excluding the Forestry Trunk Road. Council moved to award D. Ray Construction Ltd. a gravel crushing contract at the River Top Sand & Gravel Pit in the amount of $480,920.00 plus GST with funding to come from the 2023 Operations’ Road Maintenance Budget.
Turn Key Haul and Store Jug Fill Station Approved for Nose Creek
In October of 2022, Council made motions (MOTIONS: 22.10.696, 22.10.697, and 22.10.698) directing Administration to move forward with a Small Reservoir Water Point for the subdivision of Nose Creek. On March 6, 2023, a tender was submitted to the Alberta Purchasing Connection to provide requests for
quotations for a Turn-Key Haul and Store Jug Fill Station, with bids closing on April 3, 2023. Administration received and evaluated two tenders meeting mandatory requirements ranging from $148,475.97 to $295,789.20. Council awarded the Turn-Key Haul and Store Jug Fill Station to Flowpoint Environmental Systems Inc, in the amount of $148,475.97 plus GST, with funds to come from the 2023 Capital Budget (WD23006).
Forestry Trunk Road Weed Control Contract Awarded
As part of Greenview’s 2023 Operating Budget, Administration included $100,000 in the Contracted Maintenance Service budget for the potential destruction of Meadow Hawkweed, a prohibited noxious species along the entire length of the Forestry Trunk Road. On February 15, 2023, a request for proposals (RFP) was submitted to the Alberta Purchasing Connection for weed control of 58 kilometres of the Forestry Trunk Road. Administration received and evaluated eight tenders meeting mandatory requirements ranging from $17,850.00 to $138,200.00. Council awards a one-year contract for the Weed Control on the Forestry Trunk Road tender to 2395426 AB Ltd. O/A Hodge Vegetation Control Ltd./C&D Vegetation Control Ltd., in the amount of $48,825.00 plus GST, with funds to come from Agricultural Services Contracted Maintenance Service Budget.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
• May 9, 2023 – Regular Council Meeting, Valleyview Council Chambers
• May 16, 2023 – Committee of the Whole Meeting, Valleyview Council Chambers
• May 22, 2023 – Victoria Day Statutory Holiday, All Greenview Administration offices closed
• May 23, 2023 – Regular Council Meeting, Valleyview Council Chambers
• May 24, 2023 – Agricultural Services Board Meeting, Valleyview Council Chambers
Media inquiries may be directed to:
Stacey Sevilla | Manager, Communications & Marketing | Direct: 780-524-7625
Download a full copy of the April 25, 2023 Council Highlights here