Road Maintenance Grading Service Contract for Sunset House/Sweathouse Awarded
On Thursday, March 4, 2021, an RFQ was posted for grading services for a 3-year term service contract in the Sunset House/Sweathouse area upon the expiry of the contract presently in place. Four bids were received, and Council moved to award the contract to Rutt Busters Road Maintenance for three years beginning on May 1, 2021, with funds to come from the Operations Operational Budget.

Greenview Approves Operational and Capital Support for Evergreens Foundation
Evergreens Foundation has submitted the operating and capital requisition for the 2020 calendar year. The amount requisitioned represented an increase due to operational costs and Greenview’s increased assessment. Evergreens Foundation has identified an increase to the operating requisition due to the increased costs associated with food, housekeeping and COVID-19 sanitation, utility costs and additional staff requirements for the newly opened Parkland Lodge. The increase is also attributed to the additional 41 units now online with the Parkland Lodge opening and the overall per unit deficit due to the subsidizing provided to the senior’s rents as per legislation. Council approved a capital contribution in the amount of $1,304,194.15 and an operating requisition contribution of $896,865.63 to Evergreens Foundation with funds to come from the Community Services Budget.

Grande Cache Campground Caretaker Contract Awarded
Greenview requested interested parties to submit a Request for Proposal to include all aspects of the Grande Cache Campground’s maintenance and operation for the 2021 – 2023 calendar years, with the possibility of a contract extension of the contract for the 2024 season based on the performance of services. The contract operator’s work scope will include all maintenance and operational functions required to operate the Grande Cache Campground successfully. Council awarded a three-year contract in the amount of $51,993.36 annually plus GST to H.Y. Cleaning Services, Wainwright, AB, with funds to come from the Recreation Services Budget.

Peace Country Beef and Forage Association Funding Approved
Greenview currently supports Peace Country Beef and Forage Association through grant funding annually, which has been beneficial to our residents with trial plots, research data, and workshops that are hosted within Greenview. The Alberta Provincial Government and Alberta Agriculture and Forestry have recently cut funding to many research associations and established the Results-Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR), which has created more competition for funding. Council moved to approve an upset limit of $25,510 to be included in the 2021 Agricultural Services Budget to fund Peace Country Beef and Forage Association to conduct forage and pulse trials in the DeBolt and Fairview areas.

Greenview Pledges Support for Maskwa Medical Centre
The Maskwa Medical Centre (Canada) Inc. is a not-for-profit Medical Clinic with a volunteer board made up of eleven businesses and focused citizens from the Grande Prairie, County of Grande Prairie and Municipal District of Greenview regions. The mission of the Maskwa Clinic is to “provide public health care designed to meet the specific needs of the people of the Peace Country by connecting patients to the right expertise at the exact right time.” The Maskwa Medical Centre is in the process of developing a tool for the overworked General Practitioners in the northern regions of Alberta and British Columbia to bring better timelines for diagnosis and treatment plans of complex cases. Council approved a $25,000 grant to the Maskwa Medical Centre Inc. to conduct a cost-benefit analysis business plan, with funds to come from the Miscellaneous Grant to Organizations Budget and further authorized Administration to provide a letter of support for their cost-benefit analysis business plan submission.

Grovedale Community Club & Agriculture Society to Build a Child Care Facility
The Grovedale Community Club & Agriculture Society has applied for a Child Care Facility in the Hamlet of Grovedale on Plan 8720364 Lot G, owned by Greenview. Council approved the request from the Grovedale Community Club & Agriculture Society to waive the following fees; $175.00 for the Approach Application; $5000.00 for the installation of the paved approach; $12,500.00 for the municipal water connection; $12,500.00 for the municipal sewer connection for a total amount of $30,175.00, for a child care facility.

Council Chooses 2021 Greenview Sporting Clayshoot Charity Donation Recipients
Greenview hosts an annual Stakeholder Sporting Clayshoot, held at the ShotShell championship course located in Valleyview, AB, attracting sport shooters from the entire Peace Region. Proceeds from the event are donated to charity each year. To ensure that this event benefits multiple areas within Greenview, Council has chosen to split the fundraising proceeds between five Food Banks within Greenview; Fox Creek, Valleyview, DeBolt, Grovedale, and Grande Cache.

Greenview Authorizes Temporary Closure of Municipal Property to Assist Food and Beverage Services
With the new public health measures recently announced, all restaurants, bars, coffee shops, and eateries must close to indoor dining and patrons. As Greenview is the municipal property titleholder, Council has delegated temporary signing authority to Administration to approve applications to close municipal property adjacent to food and beverage service locations throughout Greenview. This temporary development permit application process will ensure a speedy method for business applicants to create an outdoor patio/dining area up to or equivalent to their indoor floor space as per AHS COVID-19 guidelines. As part of the development permit, the applicant will be required to provide a barricade/railing around the approved property’s perimeter and adhere to all provincial enhanced public health measures.

Upcoming Events and Meetings

  • April 20, 2021 – Committee of the Whole, Valleyview Council Chambers (*NOTE: Venue change)
  • April 27, 2021 – Regular Council Meeting, Valleyview Council Chambers
  • April 28, 2021 – Agricultural Services Board Meeting, Valleyview Council Chambers
  • April 30, 2021 – Spray Exemption Application Deadline

Media inquiries may be directed to:

Stacey Sevilla| Manager, Communications and Marketing | Phone: 780-524-7625

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