The MD of Greenview is seeking applications from MD residents for members to serve on various boards and committees, as outlined below. Remuneration and coverage for expenses will be provided in accordance with Greenview policies.

Your role will be to act in an advisory or decision-making capacity (depending on the board or committee) for the board or committee.

Council may appoint the same person to more than one board, so please indicate all boards and committees you would be interested in serving on.

*Note: If you are currently appointed to a board, you will receive a letter or email prior to your term expiring. You will need to reapply to be reappointed.

Applications are accepted until all positions are filled.

Board or Committee Name

  • Agriculture Services Board
  • Green View Family & Community Services Board (FCSS)
  • Subdivision & Development Appeal Board
  • Valleyview & District Recreation Board
  • Greenview Regional Multiplex Advisory Board
  • Greenview Regional Waste Management Commission
  • MD of Greenview Library Board Committee
  • Grande Cache Recreation Board
  • Assessment Review Board

If you are interested in serving on any of the noted boards or committees, please complete the “Application Appointment to a Municipal Board/Committee” form that is available on our website at: Application Form.

Please send your application to the MD of Greenview (Attention: Wendy Holscher)

By mail:     MD of Greenview, Box 1079, Valleyview, AB T0H 3N0

By e-mail: