The Hamlet of DeBolt Area Structure Plan (ASP) will provide the planning framework for the Hamlet of DeBolt and the surrounding area. At the June 11, 2024, Regular Council Meeting, Council gave the First Reading to Bylaw 24-962, which will adopt the Hamlet of DeBolt ASP. As per MGA requirements, the Public Hearing for this Bylaw will be on July 23, 2024, at the Greenview Council Chambers in Valleyview. Anyone is welcome to attend this Council Meeting to speak regarding this proposed Area Structure Plan, which is available on the Engage Greenview website.

If you are unable to attend this Council Meeting due to prior engagements, you can provide your feedback on the draft ASPs by contacting the Planning and Development department at 780.524.7639 or sending an email to

The deadline for providing feedback before the Public Hearing is July 19, 2024.