Update #6 – May 14, 2024 – 11:00 am

*This will be the last update on Wildfire GCU 007 – North Goodwin Area

Intense firefighting operations continued through yesterday, with night vision-equipped helicopters seeing a significant reduction in active hotspots compared to the night before.

Yesterday, firefighters experienced challenging fire behaviour with high winds at times. The fire was very active and additional firefighting resources arrived to help cold trail and extinguish hotspots and work to extinguish the fire. (Cold Trailing: A method of determining whether or not a fire is still burning, involving careful inspection and feeling with the hand or by use of a hand-held infrared scanner to detect any heat source.)

Greenview’s Director of Emergency Management determined conditions had improved enough to downgrade the Evacuation Order for the North Goodwin area, in the MD of Greenview to a 2-hour Alert yesterday afternoon. Everyone returning home will remain on 2 hour Evacuation Alert in case the situation deteriorates.

Everyone in the North Goodwin area west of Range Road 21, between Township Road 734 and Township Road 741 may now return home. For more information, please visit https://mdgreenview.ab.ca/evacuation-order-update…/
Everyone else within the MD of Greenview should stay prepared for potential evacuations on short notice due to wildfires this hazard season.

A fire ban remains in effect throughout the Grande Prairie Forest Area, Greenview’s Non-Forest Protection Area and portions of the Edson Forest Area for the upcoming May long weekend. Current fire behaviour is extreme, driven by southeast winds expected to gust up to 40 kilometres per hour. For current Fire Advisory and Ban Information throughout Greenview, please visit https://mdgreenview.ab.ca/fire-bans/

Residents are advised to monitor any old burn piles. If you detect heat from a pile, it is likely still burning and requires attention.

We urge residents and citizens to avoid the area around ANY active wildfires. There have been reports of drones interfering with firefighting efforts this morning. It is illegal to fly drones near an active wildfire as it poses serious risks to both ground and aerial firefighting teams. During firefighting operations, the restricted airspace around a wildfire includes a radius of approximately 9.26 km (5 nautical miles) and up to an altitude of 3,000 feet above ground level.

Please stay safe and adhere to all fire safety regulations during this critical time.

Greenview Emergency Operations Centre will cease daily updates at this time, unless an emergency update is required. Please continue to watch our website and official social media channels.

Sign up for emergency alerts and notifications from local authorities to receive timely updates about potential hazards or emergencies in your area. Knowledge is key to staying safe and prepared. Get Greenview’s Voyent Alert: https://mdgreenview.ab.ca/voyent-alert-for-greenview…/

For information regarding the response on the west side of the Big Smoky, please follow the County of Grande Prairie website www.countygp.ab.ca.