July 26, 2023

Council Highlights – July 25, 2023

Valleyview, Alberta

Tax Recovery Public Auction
The Tax Recovery process is the last resort mechanism municipalities use to collect outstanding property taxes and is a strictly legislated process. When property taxes remain unpaid for more than one year, a Tax Notification Caveat is placed on the Land Title. A notification is sent to the landowner and other interested parties, as shown on the title, advising them. If the property tax arrears remain unpaid on March 31 of the following year, the municipality may sell the property by Public Auction. The municipality has one year from April 1 to place the parcel for sale by public auction. Greenview Council voted to set the Tax Recovery Public Auction date for Monday, September 25, 2023, to sell the identified properties. Details will be available on the Greenview website.

Assessment Review Board Members Appointed by Greenview Council
The Municipal Government Act requires that Council must establish and appoint members to the Assessment Review Board to hear assessment complaints. Members must also complete the training as prescribed by the minister. Greenview Council appointed Darrel Delisle and Rolland Cailliou to the Assessment Review Board for a three-year term until the Annual Organizational Meeting in 2026.

Greenview’s Agricultural Services Department to purchase 3 Point Hitch Implement Caddy
Greenview Council approved purchasing one implement caddy to assist renters in loading and transporting the 3 Point Hitch acreage-sized implements that are currently in Greenview’s Agricultural Services Department rental fleet. Adding the caddy to the fleet will enhance safety and minimize equipment damage during loading and unloading operations.

Greenview Awards Maintenance and Mechanical Services Agreement for the Grande Cache Recreation Centre
The current contracted maintenance service at the Grande Cache Recreation Centre is due to expire in October 2023. Administration advertised a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Maintenance and Mechanical Services on May 30, 2023. One RFP was received and evaluated, which also met the mandatory requirements. Council awarded the 3-Year Maintenance and Mechanical Services Agreement to Nordic Mechanical Services Ltd. for $149,382.00 plus GST.

Request for Proposal issued after wildfires within Sandy Bay Subdivision
In response to the request for assistance from delegates of the Sandy Bay Association, after the May 2023 wildfires caused significant damage to property and structures within the subdivision, Greenview Council voted to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to seek contractors and services for the recovery efforts. The RFP aims to address demolition, site cleanup, tree removal, and lot surveying within the Sandy Bay subdivision on a cost-recovery basis. After receiving, reviewing, and evaluating the proposals, Council will make informed decisions on how to proceed with the recovery efforts.


  Upcoming Events and Meetings

  • August 7, 2023 – Heritage Day Civic Holiday, All Administration Offices Closed
  • August 22, 2023 – Regular Council Meeting, Valleyview Council Chambers
  • August 23, 2023 – Agricultural Services Board Meeting, Valleyview Council Chambers


Media inquiries may be directed to:
Stacey Sevilla | Manager, Communications & Marketing | Direct: 780-524-7625

Download a full copy of the Council Highlights here