Greenview’s Agricultural Service Department provides education, advice, support, and guidance to all community members concerning soil and water conservation, weed and pest control, and environmental concerns over Greenview’s beautiful landscape. Greenview Agricultural Services is a focused and forward-thinking department that supports vibrant communities and connectivity, promotes sustainable industry growth, and fosters continuing education for all interested parties.
We are located at:
3602 – 45 Street
Valleyview, AB T0H 3N0
Ph. 780-524-7621
Email: Greenview Agricultural Services
Office Hours:
8:00 am – 4:30 pm (closed 12:00 – 1:00 pm)
- Overview
- Members
- ASB Agendas and Minutes
- Veterinary Services Incorporated (VSI)
- Vegetation Management – Grande Cache
- Locations
- Equipment Catalogue
- Extension and Outreach Partners
- Shelterbelt Tree Program
- Greenview Agricultural Services Workshops
- Agricultural Events from External Organizations
- Water Pump Rental
- Crop and Livestock Pest and Disease
- Problem Wildlife Officers
- Wolf Harvest Incentive Program
- Pesticide Recycling Program
- Vegetation Management Programs
- Vegetation Management Programs
- Greenview Weeds of Concern