Council Highlights – October 13, 2020

Public Hearing Scheduled for Request to Close Undeveloped Road Allowance

Council gave first reading to Bylaw 20-856 to close 1.618 hectares ± of the undeveloped road allowance lying between NW-19-72-20-W5 and NE-24-72-21-W5. No concerns were received from referral agencies, and adjacent landowners would be notified at the public hearing stage.

  • A Public Hearing for Bylaw 19-856 is scheduled to be held on December 14, 2020, at 9:15 am.

Greenview Council Working Collaboratively with Town of Valleyview to Update Inter-Municipal Development Plan

Council gave first reading to Bylaw 20-860 being the replacement document for the Valleyview Intermunicipal Development Plan. This collaborative work with the Town of Valleyview will allow the Intermunicipal Development Plan to be updated to meet current legislative requirements.

  • An Open House is scheduled on October 29, 2020 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Valleyview Memorial Hall for public input.
  • A Joint Public Hearing has been scheduled on November 16, 2020 at the Memorial Hall at 7:00 pm as part of the overall planning review process.

Grande Cache Above Ground Fiber Optics Pole Network Project to Move Forward

Greenview received a presentation from Canadian Fiber Optics (CFO) at the September 2020 Committee of the Whole meeting. At that time, CFO indicated they had been working with Greenview Administration and determined an above-ground network of composite poles could be installed within Grande Cache to facilitate the installation of the fibre optic network above ground in 2020.

Council moved to forgo the public engagement process, giving the Canadian Fiber Optics network the approval to proceed with the project within the hamlet of Grande Cache at no cost to Greenview. CFO has completed their own independent public engagement with residents and has verbally advised they have strong support for the proposal. Greenview Administration will assist CFO with obtaining all of the appropriate permits.

 Greenview Supports the Alberta Junior High School Rodeo Association

Greenview will be supporting the Alberta Junior High School Rodeo Association in recognizing season leaders with a Single Event Sponsorship in the amount of $500.00, with funds to come from Community Services Miscellaneous Grant.

 Greenview Moves Toward Safety Codes Accreditation – Fire Discipline

The MD of Greenview is not an accredited Safety Codes Act agency, so it cannot enforce the Alberta Safety Codes Act in the fire discipline or any other discipline. The service is currently provided by the provincial Office of the Fire Marshal and a call must be made each time, so a provincial Safety Codes Officer can be sent to complete a fire inspection or investigation. This does not allow for fire prevention programming, education, or timely enforcement and can potentially adversely affect a fire investigation given the time lag.

The Greenview Fire-Rescue Services Regional Fire Chief (RFC) and two of the three Regional Deputy Fire Chiefs (RDFC) are certified Fire–Safety Codes Officers and could begin immediately to administer the fire code. The other RDFC is currently taking Safety Codes courses and will undertake the duties once certified. Council directed Administration to become accredited under the Alberta Safety Codes Act – Fire Discipline to provide ratepayers and stakeholders with access to an increased level of fire and life safety services.

Council Revises Greenview Regional Multiplex Advisory Board Terms of Reference

Council moved to approve the revised Greenview Regional Multiplex advisory board Terms of Reference with amendments recommended for board composition and meeting requirements. Greenview Council advised that board appointments will be for one year with five members at large. Administration will bring a new Bylaw to Council for review.

Stollery Children’s Hospital Open Letter Gets Support from Council

The Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation wants the Government of Albert to prioritize children’s health. This commitment could significantly improve the province’s long-term financial situation, and they are asking municipalities for their support with an open letter.

With only two of Alberta’s 113 hospitals dedicated to children’s health, many children and their families must travel great distances to Edmonton or Calgary for services that could be brought into local hospitals. These current travel requirements add costs to both the provincial government and Albertan families. Greenview Council voted unanimously to support the open letter put forward by the Stollery Children’s Hospital.

Upcoming Events and Meetings

  • October 19, 2020 – Committee of the Whole Meeting, Grovedale Public Service Building
  • October 26, 2020 – Organizational Meeting and Regular Council Meeting, Valleyview Council Chambers
  • October 28, 2020 – Agriculture Services Board Meeting, Valleyview Council Chambers

Media inquiries may be directed to:
Stacey Sevilla, Manager, Communications and Marketing  or 780-524-7625

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